Sunday, November 3, 2013

The 3 R’s to Preserve Purity in Marriage

The 3 R’s to Preserve Purity in Marriage

No marriage is ever perfect. Yet, most couples try and find ways to continually make it better.
When a man and woman come together and choose to get married, they make a vow to each other – and before God – to love and care for each other. While the wording of vows might vary somewhat, the essence of all vows is to love and respect each other. Forever.
This means the couple will put forth the effort to work together as a team.
Unfortunately, as a marriage progresses there are many distractions and temptations that challenge that vow. Some manage to continually renew their vows and keep their marriage pure. Others struggle with diversions and lose their way, sometimes ending the relationship.
The reality is there will always be invitations to explore something new, different, or seemingly better. These enticements never stop.
So how does a couple preserve their marriage and keep their vows? There is power in the value of purity.

The Value of Purity

As a differentiating value, Purity means unity of the essence of an entity; or clean and free of extraneous material.
Unfortunately, many people associate purity with perfection. But the only connection between these two values is the direction of focus. Pure thoughts and deeds seek to move one in the direction of perfection.
Let’s be clear here. There was only one who was ever perfect – Christ.  He promoted the importance of oneness and repentance, two attributes that form the basis of the value of purity. Christ also made clear the benefit of purity, when He said: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” [Matthew 5:8]  That is the ultimate goal!
Purity also provides an important benefit in a marriage. A man and woman can see each other as they are and still love each other.

Preserving Purity in Marriage

To help a couple keep their marriage vows, and reap the rewards, here are three ways ( 3 R’s) to preserve purity in marriage.
  1. Reject distractions. The best way to prevent problems is to avoid the temptation in the first place. If one has a natural weakness to an addiction, then make plans to sidestep it. As a wise man once said, the best way to avoid marriage problems is to not stop at the bar on the way home from work.
  2. Repent transgressions. Of course mistakes do happen. Words are said and actions are taken that hurts the one you love. Bad stuff creeps in. Just as a home needs to be maintained, so do relationships. Continually work to keep clean and free of anything that comes in between. It’s also important each spouse understands the other’s language of apology and say it with honesty and authenticity.
  3. Renew vows. No need to wait for a major milestone (e.g. 25 years) to renew marriage vows. Re-stating, re-committing, and re-articulating a promise is a great way to remind each other of a desired intent, and fend off extraneous enticements.
By practicing the 3 R’s – Reject, Repent, Renew – couples can enjoy the benefits of purity in marriage.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Gu Long Dong

I am looking forward to dogsit Gu Long Dong once my hubby told me that his owner is going for a trip soon ^_^

Indeed Mr Gu has been very well behaved in my house (compared to Cherrie =P)
Amazingly, he knew where to pee & poo in the toilet and is such a gentle-man. Everyone in the house praise him alot and at the same time, condemning Cherrie for being a spoilt child. (Hmmph! Too much...)

Sunday Worship @ SAC

Praise the Lord that both my hubby and I are building our relationship with GOD!
Here's a snapshot of this beautiful place: (Guess Benji love singing in this place too)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Praise the Lord! My new commitment....

It has been awhile that I wish to straighten my teeth...and I made a new commitment with Dr Amos yesterday! Very soon I will have my beautiful smile.....(on top of the free slimming programme as a side effect) Haha.

Orthodontic Treatment Plan – Ms Helen Chan (04750)

Ms Helen Chan clinically presented:
• Upper Teeth Proclinations & Lower Arch moderately severe crowding with a Class 2 division 1 Profile
• Good side facial profile with generous smile
• Skeletal & Dental Class I Bimax expression

Treatment Outline:
Non-Extraction Approach.
Upper& Lower Arch Expansion to resolve crowding & correct Proclinations.
KIV Interproximal Reductions(IPR) to create more space if needed as an alternative to extractions.
Establish stable & harmonious bite.

Duration: 1.5 - 2.0 years

Cost of Treatment:
Records $ 400.00
Invisible Aligners Issue $ 1500.00
Follow-up Issue No.1 in 12 weeks $ 1500.00
Follow-up Issue No.2 in 12 weeks $ 1500.00
Follow-up Issue No.3 in 12 weeks $ 1500.00
Subsequent Follow-up 12 weekly No Charge
End of Treatment Retainers: Upper/Lower $ 600.00

Monday, July 29, 2013

Make you feel my love- Adele

This is a very nice song =)

When the rain
Is blowing in your face
And the whole world
Is on your case
I could offer you
A warm embrace
To make you feel my love

When the evening shadows
And the stars appear
And there is no - one there
To dry your tears
I could hold you
For a million years
To make you feel my love

I know you
Haven't made
Your mind up yet
But I would never
Do you wrong
I've known it
From the moment
That we met
No doubt in my mind
Where you belong

I'd go hungry
I'd go black and blue and
I'd go crawling
Down the avenue
You Know there's nothing
That I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love

The storms are raging
On the rolling sea
And on the highway of regret
The winds of change
Are blowing wild and free
You ain't seen nothing
Like me yet

I could make you happy
Make your dreams come true
Nothing that I wouldn't do
Go to the ends
Of the Earth for you
To make you feel my love, To make you feel my love

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Hymn to a Good Wife

Proverbs 31:10-31
The Message (MSG)

Hymn to a Good Wife

10-31 A good woman is hard to find,
    and worth far more than diamonds.
Her husband trusts her without reserve,
    and never has reason to regret it.
Never spiteful, she treats him generously
    all her life long.
She shops around for the best yarns and cottons,
    and enjoys knitting and sewing.
She’s like a trading ship that sails to faraway places
    and brings back exotic surprises.
She’s up before dawn, preparing breakfast
    for her family and organizing her day.
She looks over a field and buys it,
    then, with money she’s put aside, plants a garden.
First thing in the morning, she dresses for work,
    rolls up her sleeves, eager to get started.
She senses the worth of her work,
    is in no hurry to call it quits for the day.
She’s skilled in the crafts of home and hearth,
    diligent in homemaking.
She’s quick to assist anyone in need,
    reaches out to help the poor.
She doesn’t worry about her family when it snows;
    their winter clothes are all mended and ready to wear.
She makes her own clothing,
    and dresses in colorful linens and silks.
Her husband is greatly respected
    when he deliberates with the city fathers.
She designs gowns and sells them,
    brings the sweaters she knits to the dress shops.
Her clothes are well-made and elegant,
    and she always faces tomorrow with a smile.
When she speaks she has something worthwhile to say,
    and she always says it kindly.
She keeps an eye on everyone in her household,
    and keeps them all busy and productive.
Her children respect and bless her;
    her husband joins in with words of praise:
“Many women have done wonderful things,
    but you’ve outclassed them all!”
Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades.
    The woman to be admired and praised
    is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-God.
Give her everything she deserves!
    Festoon her life with praises!

It has been awhile that I have not updated my blog...many GOOD things happened for the past few months for me =)

Met up with my girlfriends last night, and her stories strengthened my believe of God's love for my family. I pray to God that he will soften her heart and guide her back to HOME. I trust that God is miraculous in his own way.

Feeling Blessed =)

Monday, April 1, 2013

The wedding day of HUI KOEN & SHAUN

On 31.3.13, it is Hui Koen & Shaun's wedding day. The wedding was held at Shangri-la Hotel, Singapore.

I was quite excited to attend this wedding as to me, it is also similar to "MEET THE BOSS" session. Let me recall whom I have met at our table.

1. A.K.- my idol with his klapper pants
2. R. -an inspiration to our "PROJECT RANDY". I think he is the most handsome in Boa.
3. J.- she is getting more skinny and she carried a big bruise from a fell after her 40km marathon that day. She never failed to impress me with her unusual hobby!
4. M.L. & E.- a liverpool fans and his wife is young and pretty. She is happy to let me take care of KU LONG DONG one day.
5. S.r & his partner- He is dear's ex-boss. Seems like a kind old man but his wife is so Ms Piggy....
6. P.- The usual cheerful and bubbly lady
7. R.- Erm....the plastic bag man. He can speak in multiple languages....
8. Many more at the other tables...include the old B.. (Sigh...)

To jot it down, I am glad to spot my "disney jigsaw" on the Wedding Day video. It is so catchy...and I think it is really nice. Hope the newly wed will treasure it.

Last but not least, though I love the dress I wore.....but......(speechless). FAINTz


Dear was supposed to spend time doing projects over the weekend but he ART JAM with me instead. (We spent about 3 hours in total)

He is really talented in sketching he helped with my "sexy lady" too!

We wanted to draw something simple in order to manage the expectation of our "output". So we dig out the "Mr Potato" drawing book that we bought and trying to choose something nice & simple from there.

 The Prata-man by Dear
 My sexy Potatos
The artists and the art piece.
*The Prata-man looks so much nicer at close up and each time I see it, my cravings for Prata came*

Mango Tree- the Indian Coastal Restaurant

To celebrate the long weekend on last Thursday, Dear & I headed to an "adventurous" place for our ROMANTIC dinner date.

It's Mango Tree @ Katong 112.

Ambience was superb and we were kinda having the whole restaurant to ourselves. To my surprise, the food turns out to my liking.

Appertizer: Popperdum & Mushroom Pepper Fry
Main         : Chicken Chapora with butter & garlic naan
Side          : Aloo Ghobi

Years ago, Dear freaked me out by bringing me to the North Indian buffet dinner @ Raffles Hotel.
I could not find a proper word to describe my experience there....hahaha
As such, this is definitely a 180 degree turn on my impression of Indian cuisine =D

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Inspired by Sharon's paintings, I dig out my toys that Dear has lugged back for me from Shanghai once again. =P

Over the weekend, I noticed most of the paints are dried up and I was so upset over it. Nonetheless, I never give up finding alternatives to salvage the situation..... (I am a determined person in adverse condition)

Out of Luck, I found a brand NEW sets of poster colors that Dear has bought in HK years ago. Thanks GOD that it is still usable.

Here's my art piece:

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Romantic Date on Friday Night

I am so glad that Dear is free on a Friday night =D
He has been so busy with travelling lately, if not he has school projects or OverTime.

Initially we planned to meet up at 7pm. But thanks to Ms Janet, his boss, our plan changed at the last minutes.

I headed down to Fulleton Bay Hotel to enjoy the live music while waiting for Dear.....relaxing ~~

When Dear is done at about 8pm, he found me hiding inside this building. He then commented: "No wonder you didn't bother me and is so quietly waiting.....what a nice place"

We then headed towards the Merlion but we U-turn to proceed to our initial plan @ The coastal settlement in the East. (Just to explore a new place)

We drove past the lengthy Airport Cargo Road .....really a long long road.....then we arrived @ Changi Village Hotel. We got lost there and was scouting for this restaurant for about 10mins. I was sharing the fear of visiting the Old Changi Hospital with dear but he dont seems affected. =P

At last, we arrived & glad to say that it is really worthwhile for the LONGLONG drive. The ambience & food was GREAT! Most importantly, its the company that makes the NITE fantastic. ^_^

Lau Pa Sat

The girls have planned to visit Lau Pa Sat since our last dinner @ Hard rock a month ago....

Angie has been telling us about the "Live Band" there and the yummy satay @ Stall 2?!?
We found out that there's no live band since Oct 2012 and there's no such stall named 2....wahahhaahha
We teased her that she must be here during the 7th month =P

This is how we girls eat:

The chicken wings are DELICIOUS. Hope to go there again with dear....

Meeting the parents again ^_^

My parents are in Singapore for a few days as they are heading to the Indo land (Semarang) for the celebration of my grandma's 80th birthday!

So it is a good chance to have the "meet the parents" session once again. @ Prima Tower Restaurant.

They have exchange some updates on their lives ....mainly on the health topics. mother in law told mummy to look out for Benji. DONT LET HIM SLEEP WITH US!!!!
Benji is fearful now.....

MIL: Ben Ben is so cute, but don't let Ben Ben sleep with them at night.....
Mummy: O....
MIL: Ya, Ben Ben can play with them in the day time, but its better not to hug him to sleep at night....
Benji: (shivering.....)

See the cheeky monkey below:

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Ms Piggy Inspired handbag

I were at Raffles City today for the annual budget seminar 2013.

During lunch, I was taking my own sweet moments to window shop at several outlets. I spotted this handbag from afar and fell in love with it.

I got closer....Closer..... CLOSER, and then I grabbed it! It looks nice and reminded me of Ms Piggy.
I was hesitant to buy it at I texted dear for his opinion. (As expected, dear gave me a "neutral" answer- Not bad leh!)

I keep thinking about the bag during the later half of the seminar....hee hee...


From Charles & Keith (SGD 63)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Around the GLOBE!

It has been almost 2 weeks since Dear travel around the globe TWICE!
(Singapore- Korea- San Francisco- Charlotte-New York- Singapore-San Francisco-Phoenix-Los Angeles- Singapore)

Congratulations to myself for completing the JIGSAW within 9 days. So fast hor.... ?

 Dear helping to glue and frame it....
 Nicely framed with one of the pinkie from US.

I am so looking forward to seeing him when I wake up tomorrow.....wanna sayang him so that all the tiredness from tiring travels can be forgotten. Guess he will be filling our home with PINK-NESS based on what he showed me. Hee Hee.....

Love Love (Dear & I)

Monday, March 4, 2013

I like GARDENING ^_^

My newest hobby is GARDENING....both @ home (hahah....secret!) and @ work.

After a long weekend, here's an update of my GARDEN in office.


Dear is back from his FIRST US trip....yes, this is his FIRST US trip in March 2013.
He was just back yesterday (Monday morning) and he will be heading back tomorrow morning (Wednesday morning).

I guess even the Pilot will need to rest for a week before going on a SECOND trip!

This year, dear needs the GREEN POWER to bring him additional luck.....and of course his dear wifey will give him 200% Support as well. Miss him so much now......=)

Departure for US....Just ONE Rabbit!

Return with a BUNCH of GREEN cuties!

Rivergate is my dream house!

Rivergate is a place I would love to bring dear to visit....the scenary from the balcony is amazing!
I guess I no longer dream to stay in a landed property, but a place like this.....

 View from 1st floor balcony
 View from 2nd floor balcony
Chill out with my relatives .....DRUNK w/o any alcohol.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Good Progress?

 Day 1- Getting ready & admiring the pictures
 Day 2- Sorting out in different containers
Day 3- The frame (3/4), this is done upon return from Jakarta =)
Day 4- 15%

Day 5- 25%

Day 6- > 50%

 Day 7 is a rest day (=P) and Day 8- 75%

Day 9- 100% completed! Congratulations....^_^

Monday, February 25, 2013

Jay Opus 2013

Despite my early prep for logging into sistic website this morning, I failed.

I am very generous today for spending $580 for 2 Jay's tickets in June 2013!

As committed, I shall start learning all Jay's songs (either by Lyrics or Piano) from now on.....
I am sure Benji will support me =P


I am beyond

Far away @ San Francisco!

I feel so lazy to wake up today..... most probably dear is not here to drag me out of bed.

The house is so quiet, as the boys are all asleep during the day time. Counting down to next Monday =P

Putin & Dear Dear are having jetlag far far away....Miss them so much!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

My beautiful Valentines....


Despite the busy schedule MH has, he still make time to bring me out for YUMMY dinner over the weekends. =)

 Hubby & I
Super Yummy Ramen @ Bugis+ 

My everlasting it so much!

 Our weekend sin @ Joo Chiat!
Here's my daily motivational reminder of MH's LOVE for me. =D I love my hubby soooooo much....*blushed*

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Puzzle King

My dearie mum will be lugging this back for me from Hong Kong Island Beverly... So happy!
This sudden urge comes from our visit to my aunt's place on 2nd day of CNY. Both hubby & I fell in love with the below instantly. (This is LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT?)

Obviously, MH's is thinking of putting this 2000 pcs in our baby room. I hope baby will love this and will not say "Daddy is lame!" LOL

The disney Boardway will be compliment for Hui Koen's wedding! Target completion date: 30th March 2013....Wish me LUCK.

Handsome Hooi in FY2013 ^_^

My hubby is full of charisma recently....
See this vain pot on the 1st day of Chinese New Year....

Woohoo...can fight with the handsome guy in my addictive tv series.....!
Times flies during the CNY holiday, I have enjoyed every single days, hanging out with family, relatives and friends. Every day can wear new dress too! We had alot of yummy foods prepared by the parents and relatives....and I am so proud to prepare "Tang Yuan" 汤圆 for my hubby colleagues during the MJ session. XOXO (I've got some artistic talents in me)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Dragging my feet...

I am tasked to visit Indo land again...:(

Erm...why Nordic doesnt send me to Russia, Dubai or Norway instead?

Early at 5am, I gotta drag myself awake to go to the place I have no interest on. Dear was very nice to wake early to arrange a cab for me. At the same time, he quickly peeped at his scores for the match result last night. Gladly to know, Liverpool won 2-0. I bet he has a sweeter dream from then on....

I roamed around the cosmetics counter to get a price update, and sprayed some frangrance on my petite self. Still early, I headed to BK for a hearty breakfast...with the assumption that this gonna be the ONLY nice meal for the day. Wonder why Dear is so content with his trip? He shared with me some pics on Hotel Mulia and his oxtail soup....that is not the place I am at now.

My cab has been moving at 10km/hr for the past 30 mins.... and I am getting smart to subscrice to dataroam saver this time. I can happily surf net and chat with Dear on my way.

Wish me good luck and looking forward to head back to Singapore now (10.02am)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Baby Baby....

It is really not easy to look after a toddler...I finally experienced this myself. =D

I have spent the past 4 days with my chubby niece, Renee and she has drained off ALL my energy.
We didn't do much activities actually.

I love her smile, her beautiful smile. =) It does not comes naturally...I need to create new trick each time to amuse her. If not, she will just give me that BLANK look like Putin. lol.

It has been a long long time since my family reunited. Daddy, mummy, Jacky and myself.
Everyone of us are so busy with our own life and hardly we can gather together and spend a good week together. I truly miss this feeling....

They promised me that they will come back ONCE every year...and I am already longing for it. I hope that my baby will arrive by then. (Daddy & Mummy hooi...JIA YOU!)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Sometimes I really feel that my butt is too itchy to part with BEBE months ago.

I must admit that Dear and I have been enjoying the ride for the past months (not that BEBE is not good, but Ms Audi is really much better)...but when come to annual servicing, I feel like killing myself. $$$ hurts. I sounded so stingy here. Ops.

For the last few days, I was busy running errands for this lady, Ms Audi.

- Windscreen cracked due to unknown reason. Wonder which birdie throw a stone at me on the highway...I must get Benji to play "Angry Bird" more often to take revenge for me.

Solution: Went to claim insurance from NTUC after confirming that no impact on my NCD and just paid S$ 107 for the new windshield. =D

- After replacing new windscreen, the workshop uncle didn't fix my reverse camera properly. Keep droping every few hours.

Solution: Went homefix to buy some adhesive tape to DIY- failed. Went to buy some black tape to tape the surrounding areas to secure the camera- failed. Went to ADK (the one who sold me the reverse camera) and paid S$10 for the labour work to glue it up - failed as it dropped the next day. Luckily, ADK's owner, Mr Alan, has agreed to make good for the camera for me. I have scheduled this to be done when Dear and I returned from Indo Land.

- Annual Car servicing. I spent a total of $1,600 for a day for Ms Audi car servicing!!!! Arghhh...$$ fly away. I have no solution for this "carrot" as I was told that I need to pay a higher price to enjoy the extra comfort it fetch. To console myself, I told myself that I have at least save from the high COE, expensive real estate and I have a decent pay. I should be disciplined enough to avoid expensive indulgence for the next 1 months and see if I can save back the amount. >_<