Sunday, February 3, 2013

Dragging my feet...

I am tasked to visit Indo land again...:(

Erm...why Nordic doesnt send me to Russia, Dubai or Norway instead?

Early at 5am, I gotta drag myself awake to go to the place I have no interest on. Dear was very nice to wake early to arrange a cab for me. At the same time, he quickly peeped at his scores for the match result last night. Gladly to know, Liverpool won 2-0. I bet he has a sweeter dream from then on....

I roamed around the cosmetics counter to get a price update, and sprayed some frangrance on my petite self. Still early, I headed to BK for a hearty breakfast...with the assumption that this gonna be the ONLY nice meal for the day. Wonder why Dear is so content with his trip? He shared with me some pics on Hotel Mulia and his oxtail soup....that is not the place I am at now.

My cab has been moving at 10km/hr for the past 30 mins.... and I am getting smart to subscrice to dataroam saver this time. I can happily surf net and chat with Dear on my way.

Wish me good luck and looking forward to head back to Singapore now (10.02am)

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