Monday, April 1, 2013

The wedding day of HUI KOEN & SHAUN

On 31.3.13, it is Hui Koen & Shaun's wedding day. The wedding was held at Shangri-la Hotel, Singapore.

I was quite excited to attend this wedding as to me, it is also similar to "MEET THE BOSS" session. Let me recall whom I have met at our table.

1. A.K.- my idol with his klapper pants
2. R. -an inspiration to our "PROJECT RANDY". I think he is the most handsome in Boa.
3. J.- she is getting more skinny and she carried a big bruise from a fell after her 40km marathon that day. She never failed to impress me with her unusual hobby!
4. M.L. & E.- a liverpool fans and his wife is young and pretty. She is happy to let me take care of KU LONG DONG one day.
5. S.r & his partner- He is dear's ex-boss. Seems like a kind old man but his wife is so Ms Piggy....
6. P.- The usual cheerful and bubbly lady
7. R.- Erm....the plastic bag man. He can speak in multiple languages....
8. Many more at the other tables...include the old B.. (Sigh...)

To jot it down, I am glad to spot my "disney jigsaw" on the Wedding Day video. It is so catchy...and I think it is really nice. Hope the newly wed will treasure it.

Last but not least, though I love the dress I wore.....but......(speechless). FAINTz

1 comment:

Drew Watts said...

They look so cute together. She reminds me of my friend who married an Indian in a very beautiful venue NYC. I don’t know where she is now. It has been 10 long years. I will try finding her now. She was an amazing person. Anyways, congratulations to them.