Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"I am out of Calendar, but still within 4D...."Sobz

My birthday celebrations started last Friday...and I am really glad that all of them REMEMBERED my birthday =D Had so much fun & laughters in office (and after office). Super lucky that the bosses are not in. Lol

Among all gifts, I would like to mention that I am really surprised by Dear for his effort to buy me a gift despite his busy schedule. I have been thinking that he would bring me out to shop for my gift on Sunday ....
I must say that Dear really have very good taste for choosing the PRADA wallet for me. I love it soo much...(The devil loves prada....hohoho) nice colour & very good to safekeep all my cash and cards in a compact way. (Though Benji has leaked out his surprise abit too early....hahahah) & Benji was upset that he do not have his birthday present during his announcement.

On Sunday, 13th Jan 2013, I have the honour to taste Dear cooking again. He has polished up the "pig trotters" bee hoon and this time I rated it 100/100. I wonder why I don't have such talent in the kitchen.....?!? However, God blessed me having such a nice & talented husband to grow old together. =P
Not only I have the Super delicious bee hoon, but I also have Chef Hooi's steak on Sunday....Yummyz.


By the way, why am I out of calendar and still within 4D? Sobz...This is what I heard from my colleague when I blew the cake. She said: "Calendar only has 31 days and you are now.....out of range! No worries, you are still within 4D selections...." Alamak! They are indeed my "meannie" colleagues. Haha. Bet I am getting wiser, prettier each year ahead.

Hooray 2013!

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