Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy Weekend in January ^_^

Omaseke @ Turf City

We woke up so late on a Saturday morning and have decided to venture to Turf City for our brunch. Dear suggest to visit Omaseke and I am totally satisfied with the food served! Very yummy food but it is against my new year's plan of "dieting". Dear said it was the only relaxing weekend he had for FY2013 ...I better treasure it.
Went for an afternoon swim due to my guilt of the above. I swam 5 laps only thinking that it should be enough to shed off the calories I added earlier. HAHA.
Dear tried his hands on the "pig trotters" bee hoon that my mum used to cook for us....and I rated it 85/100.  Delicious.... However, he said it can be further improved on his next try. (Think he want to retire as a michelin chef??)

We had a busy Sunday as we ran a few errands since early morning. Guess what? We saw RT at the hair salon @ Bedok South. Dear said he forgot to thank him for what he did...else he wouldn't have a lovely wife named Helen. *Sweet* HAHA. So mean....but I like. =D

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