Sunday, August 4, 2013

Gu Long Dong

I am looking forward to dogsit Gu Long Dong once my hubby told me that his owner is going for a trip soon ^_^

Indeed Mr Gu has been very well behaved in my house (compared to Cherrie =P)
Amazingly, he knew where to pee & poo in the toilet and is such a gentle-man. Everyone in the house praise him alot and at the same time, condemning Cherrie for being a spoilt child. (Hmmph! Too much...)

Sunday Worship @ SAC

Praise the Lord that both my hubby and I are building our relationship with GOD!
Here's a snapshot of this beautiful place: (Guess Benji love singing in this place too)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Praise the Lord! My new commitment....

It has been awhile that I wish to straighten my teeth...and I made a new commitment with Dr Amos yesterday! Very soon I will have my beautiful smile.....(on top of the free slimming programme as a side effect) Haha.

Orthodontic Treatment Plan – Ms Helen Chan (04750)

Ms Helen Chan clinically presented:
• Upper Teeth Proclinations & Lower Arch moderately severe crowding with a Class 2 division 1 Profile
• Good side facial profile with generous smile
• Skeletal & Dental Class I Bimax expression

Treatment Outline:
Non-Extraction Approach.
Upper& Lower Arch Expansion to resolve crowding & correct Proclinations.
KIV Interproximal Reductions(IPR) to create more space if needed as an alternative to extractions.
Establish stable & harmonious bite.

Duration: 1.5 - 2.0 years

Cost of Treatment:
Records $ 400.00
Invisible Aligners Issue $ 1500.00
Follow-up Issue No.1 in 12 weeks $ 1500.00
Follow-up Issue No.2 in 12 weeks $ 1500.00
Follow-up Issue No.3 in 12 weeks $ 1500.00
Subsequent Follow-up 12 weekly No Charge
End of Treatment Retainers: Upper/Lower $ 600.00