Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Inspired by Sharon's paintings, I dig out my toys that Dear has lugged back for me from Shanghai once again. =P

Over the weekend, I noticed most of the paints are dried up and I was so upset over it. Nonetheless, I never give up finding alternatives to salvage the situation..... (I am a determined person in adverse condition)

Out of Luck, I found a brand NEW sets of poster colors that Dear has bought in HK years ago. Thanks GOD that it is still usable.

Here's my art piece:

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Romantic Date on Friday Night

I am so glad that Dear is free on a Friday night =D
He has been so busy with travelling lately, if not he has school projects or OverTime.

Initially we planned to meet up at 7pm. But thanks to Ms Janet, his boss, our plan changed at the last minutes.

I headed down to Fulleton Bay Hotel to enjoy the live music while waiting for Dear.....relaxing ~~

When Dear is done at about 8pm, he found me hiding inside this building. He then commented: "No wonder you didn't bother me and is so quietly waiting.....what a nice place"

We then headed towards the Merlion but we U-turn to proceed to our initial plan @ The coastal settlement in the East. (Just to explore a new place)

We drove past the lengthy Airport Cargo Road .....really a long long road.....then we arrived @ Changi Village Hotel. We got lost there and was scouting for this restaurant for about 10mins. I was sharing the fear of visiting the Old Changi Hospital with dear but he dont seems affected. =P

At last, we arrived & glad to say that it is really worthwhile for the LONGLONG drive. The ambience & food was GREAT! Most importantly, its the company that makes the NITE fantastic. ^_^

Lau Pa Sat

The girls have planned to visit Lau Pa Sat since our last dinner @ Hard rock a month ago....

Angie has been telling us about the "Live Band" there and the yummy satay @ Stall 2?!?
We found out that there's no live band since Oct 2012 and there's no such stall named 2....wahahhaahha
We teased her that she must be here during the 7th month =P

This is how we girls eat:

The chicken wings are DELICIOUS. Hope to go there again with dear....

Meeting the parents again ^_^

My parents are in Singapore for a few days as they are heading to the Indo land (Semarang) for the celebration of my grandma's 80th birthday!

So it is a good chance to have the "meet the parents" session once again. @ Prima Tower Restaurant.

They have exchange some updates on their lives ....mainly on the health topics.

Haha....my mother in law told mummy to look out for Benji. DONT LET HIM SLEEP WITH US!!!!
Benji is fearful now.....

MIL: Ben Ben is so cute, but don't let Ben Ben sleep with them at night.....
Mummy: O....
MIL: Ya, Ben Ben can play with them in the day time, but its better not to hug him to sleep at night....
Benji: (shivering.....)

See the cheeky monkey below:

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Ms Piggy Inspired handbag

I were at Raffles City today for the annual budget seminar 2013.

During lunch, I was taking my own sweet moments to window shop at several outlets. I spotted this handbag from afar and fell in love with it.

I got closer....Closer..... CLOSER, and then I grabbed it! It looks nice and reminded me of Ms Piggy.
I was hesitant to buy it at first...so I texted dear for his opinion. (As expected, dear gave me a "neutral" answer- Not bad leh!)

I keep thinking about the bag during the later half of the seminar....hee hee...

AND AT THE END OF THE DAY...here it is:

From Charles & Keith (SGD 63)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Around the GLOBE!

It has been almost 2 weeks since Dear travel around the globe TWICE!
(Singapore- Korea- San Francisco- Charlotte-New York- Singapore-San Francisco-Phoenix-Los Angeles- Singapore)

Congratulations to myself for completing the JIGSAW within 9 days. So fast hor.... ?

 Dear helping to glue and frame it....
 Nicely framed with one of the pinkie from US.

I am so looking forward to seeing him when I wake up tomorrow.....wanna sayang him so that all the tiredness from tiring travels can be forgotten. Guess he will be filling our home with PINK-NESS based on what he showed me. Hee Hee.....

Love Love (Dear & I)

Monday, March 4, 2013

I like GARDENING ^_^

My newest hobby is GARDENING....both @ home (hahah....secret!) and @ work.

After a long weekend, here's an update of my GARDEN in office.


Dear is back from his FIRST US trip....yes, this is his FIRST US trip in March 2013.
He was just back yesterday (Monday morning) and he will be heading back tomorrow morning (Wednesday morning).

I guess even the Pilot will need to rest for a week before going on a SECOND trip!

This year, dear needs the GREEN POWER to bring him additional luck.....and of course his dear wifey will give him 200% Support as well. Miss him so much now......=)

Departure for US....Just ONE Rabbit!

Return with a BUNCH of GREEN cuties!

Rivergate is my dream house!

Rivergate is a place I would love to bring dear to visit....the scenary from the balcony is amazing!
I guess I no longer dream to stay in a landed property, but a place like this.....

 View from 1st floor balcony
 View from 2nd floor balcony
Chill out with my relatives .....DRUNK w/o any alcohol.